Five-G is involved with many projects overseas, from the Persian Gulf to the Central Europe. A large portion of future industry growth will be international, and not just in the USA.
Five-G has been ahead of the trend for the last decade, doing work in China, Russia, Finland, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Austrailia, and many others.
Five-G dairy engineers are always ready to travel at a moment’s notice to meets the needs of dairymen anywhere.
Here are some highlights of recent international work:
Nadec Elite Dairy, Saudi Arabia
Sake Dairy, Estonia
This video highlights some of the benefits Five-G offers clients.
Five-G Consulting specializes in designing the most efficient custom tailored facilities, best suited to each specific customers needs, location, and conditions. Five-G Consulting has worked on dairy projects world wide including:

- Algeria
- Abu Dhabi
- Argentina
- Azerbaijan
- Barbados
- Brazil
- Canada
- Chile
- China
- Dominican Republic
- Egypt

- Estonia
- Finland
- Hungary
- Indonesia
- Japan
- Kurdistan
- Latvia
- Malaysia
- Mexico
- Pakistan
- Portugal

- Qatar
- Russia
- Saudi Arabia
- Sudan
- Sweden
- Thailand
- Tunisia
- Turkey
- Ukraine
- Uruguay
- Vietnam